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Publication history for Dr Erika Kague

Osteomodulin down-regulation is associated with osteoarthritis development

Bone Research

12 January 2023

ZappiaJ, Tong Q, Van der Cruyssen R, Cornelis F, Lambert C, Pinto Coelho T, Grisart J, Kague E, Lories R, Muller M, Elewaut D, Hammond C, Sanchez C, Henrotin Y.

Osteoporosis: Finding the genes for fragile bones


23 December 2022

Kague E.

The genetic overlap between osteoporosis and craniosynostosis

Frontiers in Endocrinology

26 September 2022

Kague E, Medina-Gomez C, Boyadjiev SA, Rivadeneira F.

Functional Validation of Osteoporosis Genetic Findings Using Small Fish Models

MDPI Genes

30 January 2022

Kague E, Karasik D.

Dominating lengthscales of zebrafish collective behaviour

PLOS Computational Biology

13 January 2022

Yang Y, Turci F, Kague E, Hammond CL, Russo J, Royall CP.

Bone Phenotyping Approaches in Human, Mice and Zebrafish – Expert Overview of the EU Cost Action GEMSTONE (“GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal NEtwork”)

Frontiers in Endocrinology

1 December 2021

Foessl I, Bassett JHD, Bjørnerem Å, Busse B, Calado Â, Chavassieux P, Christou M, Douni E, Fiedler IAK, Fonseca JE, Hassler E, Högler W, Kague E, Karasik D, Khashayar P, Langdahl BL, Leitch VD, Lopes P, Markozannes G, McGuigan FEA, Medina-Gomez C, Ntzani E, Oei L, Ohlsson C, Szulc P, Tobias JH, Trajanoska K, Tuzun Ş, Valjevac A, Rietbergen B, Williams GR, Zekic T, Rivadeneira F, Obermayer-Pietsch B.

Perspective of the GEMSTONE Consortium on Current and Future Approaches to Functional Validation for Skeletal Genetic Disease Using Cellular, Molecular and Animal-Modeling Techniques

Frontiers in Endocrinology

30 November 2021

Rauner M, Foess I, Formosa M, Kague E (co-first), Prijatelj V, Lopez N, Banerjee B, Bergen B, Busse B, Calado A, Douni A, Gabet Y, Giralt NG, Grinberg D, Lovsin N, Solan XN, Ostanek B, Pavlos N, Rivadeneira F, Soldatovic I, Peppel J, Eerden B, Hul W, Balcells S, Marc J, Reppe S, Søe K, Karasik D.

3D assessment of intervertebral disc degeneration in zebrafish identifies changes in bone density that prime disc disease

Bone Research

29 August 2021

Kague E, Turci F, Newman E, Yang Y, Brown KR, Aglan MS, Otaify GA, Temtamy SA, Ruiz-Perez VL, Cross S, Royall CP, Witten PE, Hammond CL.

Welfare Assessment of Adult Laboratory Zebrafish: A Practical Guide


14 August 2021

Sabrautzki S, Miller M, Kague E, Brielmeier M.

Transformed notochordal cells trigger chronic wounds destabilizing the vertebral column and bone homeostasis

Disease Models & Mechanisms

21 March 2021

López-Cuevas P, Deane L, Yang Y, Hammond CL, Kague E.

Opportunities and Challenges in Functional Genomics Research in Osteoporosis: Report From a Workshop Held by the Causes Working Group of the Osteoporosis and Bone Research Academy of the Royal Osteoporosis Society on October 5th 2020

Frontiers in Endocrinology

15 February 2021

Tobias JH, Duncan EL, Kague E, Hammond CL, Gregson CL, Bassett D, Williams GR, Min JL, Gaunt TR, Karasik D, Ohlsson C, Rivadeneira F, Edwards JR, Hannan FM, Kemp JP, Gilbert SJ, Alonso N, Hassan N, Compston JE, Ralston SH.

Genome-wide meta-analysis of muscle weakness identifies 15 susceptibility loci in older men and women

Nature Communications

28 January 2021

Jones G, Trajanoska K, Santanasto AJ, Stringa N, Kuo CL, Atkins JL, Lewis JR, Duong T, Hong S, Biggs ML, Luan J, Sarnowski C, Lunetta KL, Tanaka T, Wojczynski MK, Cvejkus R, Nethander M, Ghasemi S, Yang J, Zillikens MC, Walter S, Sicinski K, Kague E, Ackert-Bicknell CL, Arking DE, Windham BG, Boerwinkle E, Grove ML, Graff M, Spira D, Demuth I, van der Velde N, de Groot LCPGM, Psaty BM, Odden MC, Fohner AE, Langenberg C, Wareham NJ, Bandinelli S, van Schoor NM, Huisman M, Tan Q, Zmuda J, Mellström D, Karlsson M, Bennett DA, Buchman AS, De Jager PL, Uitterlinden AG, Völker U, Kocher T, Teumer A, Rodriguéz-Mañas L, García FJ, Carnicero JA, Herd P, Bertram L, Ohlsson C, Murabito JM, Melzer D, Kuchel GA, Ferrucci L, Karasik D, Rivadeneira F, Kiel DP, Pilling LC.

Wnt16 Elicits a Protective Effect Against Fractures and Supports Bone Repair in Zebrafish


12 January 2021

McGowan LM, Kague E, Vorster A, Newham E, Cross S, Hammond CL.

NCOA3 identified as a new candidate to explain autosomal dominant progressive hearing loss

Human Molecular Genetics

15 November 2020

Salazar-Silva R, Dantas VLG, Alves LU, Batissoco AC, Oiticica J, Lawrence EA, Kawafi A, Yang Y, Nicastro FS, Novaes BC, Hammond C, Kague E (co-last), Mingroni-Netto RC.

Finite element and deformation analyses predict pattern of bone failure in loaded zebrafish spines

Journal of the Royal Society Interface

6 November 2019

Newham E, Kague E (co-first), Aggleton JA, Fernee C, Brown KR, Hammond CL.

Scleraxis genes are required for normal musculoskeletal development and for rib growth and mineralization in zebrafish

The FASEB Journal

15 May 2019

Kague E, Hughes SM, Lawrence EA, Cross S, Martin-Silverstone E, Hammond CL, Hinits Y.

Craniofrontonasal Syndrome Caused by Introduction of a Novel uATG in the 5′UTR of EFNB1

Molecular Syndromology

1 February 2019

Romanelli Tavares VL, Kague E, Musso CM, Alegria TGP, Freitas RS, Bertola DR, Twigg SRF, Passos-Bueno MR.

Zebrafish as an Emerging Model for Osteoporosis: A Primary Testing Platform for Screening New Osteo-Active Compounds

Frontiers in Endocrinology

29 January 2019

Bergen DJM, Kague E, Hammond CL.

The mechanical impact of col11a2 loss on joints; col11a2 mutant zebrafish show changes to joint development and function, which leads to early-onset osteoarthritis

Journal of the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B

22 September 2018

Lawrence EA, Kague E (co-first), Aggleton JA, Harniman RL, Roddy KA, Hammond CL.

Zebrafish sp7 mutants show tooth cycling independent of attachment, eruption and poor differentiation of teeth

Developmental Biology

15 March 2018

Kague E, Witten PE, Soenens M, Campos CL, Lubiana T, Fisher S, Hammond C, Brown KR, Passos-Bueno MR, Huysseune A.

CD105 is regulated by hsa-miR-1287 and its expression is inversely correlated with osteopotential in SHED


1 January 2018

Ishiy FAA, Fanganiello RD, Kobayashi GS, Kague E, Kuriki PS, Passos-Bueno MR.

Giantin-knockout models reveal a feedback loop between Golgi function and glycosyltransferase expression

Journal of Cell Science

15 December 2017

Stevenson NL, Bergen DJM, Skinner REH, Kague E, Martin-Silverstone E, Robson Brown KA, Hammond CL, Stephens DJ.

Wnt signalling controls the response to mechanical loading during zebrafish joint development


30 July 2017

Brunt LH, Begg K, Kague E, Cross S, Hammond CL.

Osterix/Sp7 limits cranial bone initiation sites and is required for formation of sutures

Developmental Biology

13 May 2016

Kague E, Roy P, Asselin G, Hu G, Simonet J, Stanley A, Albertson C, Fisher S.

Skeletogenic fate of zebrafish cranial and trunk neural crest


14 November 2014

Kague E, Gallagher M, Burke S, Parsons M, Franz-Odendaal T, Fisher S.

BMPs regulate msx gene expression in the dorsal neuroectoderm of Drosophila and vertebrates by distinct mechanisms

PLOS Genetics

9 September 2014

Esteves FF, Springhorn A, Kague E, Taylor E, Pyrowolakis G, Fisher S, Bier E.

Mosaic zebrafish transgenesis for evaluating enhancer sequences

Journal of Visualized Experiments

14 July 2010

Kague E, Weber C, Fisher S.

Methylation status of CDH1 gene in samples of gastric mucous from Brazilian patients with chronic gastritis infected by Helicobacter pylori

Arquivos de Gastroenterologia

1 March 2010

Kague E, Thomazini CM, Pardini MI, Carvalho Fd, Leite CV, Pinheiro NA.

Functionally conserved cis-regulatory elements of COL18A1 identified through zebrafish transgenesis

Developmental Biology

15 January 2010

Kague E, Bessling SL, Lee J, Hu G, Passos-Bueno MR, Fisher S.

Novel pathogenic mutations and skin biopsy analysis in Knobloch syndrome

Molecular Vision

21 April 2009

Suzuki O, Kague E, Bagatini K, Tu H, Heljasvaara R, Carvalhaes L, Gava E, de Oliveira G, Godoi P, Oliva G, Kitten G, Pihlajaniemi T, Passos-Bueno MR.

Evaluation of cis-regulatory function in zebrafish

Functional Genomics

1 November 2008

Pashos EE, Kague E, Fisher S.

COL18A1 is highly expressed during human adipocyte differentiation and the SNP c.1136C > T in its "frizzled" motif is associated with obesity in diabetes type 2 patients

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

1 March 2008

Errera FI, Canani LH, Yeh E, Kague E, Armelin-Corrêa LM, Suzuki OT, Tschiedel B, Silva ME, Sertié AL, Passos-Bueno MR.

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